Five Year Plan
First Five Year Plan (1951-1956):
- Provision of water supply and sanitation
- Control of Malaria
- Preventive Health Care
- Health services of mother and children
- Education and training about health
- Self sufficiency in Health drugs and equipments.
- Family planning population control
Second Five Year Plan (1956-1961):
- Establishment of institutional facilities
- Development of manpower
- Disease centrale of communicable disease
- Environmental Hygiene
- Family planning services.
Third Five Year Plan (1961-1966):
- Integration of public health with maternal & child welfare.
- Nutritional & Health Education
- Preventive Health Services
- Control of communicable disease.
Forth Five Year Plan (1969-1978):
- Health services in rural area
- Strengthening of sub divisional and district hospitals
- Expansion of Medical, Paramedical and Nursing education
Fifth Five Year Plan (1974-1978):
- Health Services in rural areas
- Development of referral services
- Integration of health, family planning and nutrition
- Control & eradication of communicable disease
- Education of and training of heath persons
Sixth Five Year Plans (1980-1985):
- Reduction of poverty and unemployment
- Controle of population by small family norms
- Improve the quality of life of the people
Seventh Five Year Plan (1985-1990):
- Elimination of poverty and Illiteracy
- Satisfaction of basic needs
- Universal Immunization & Family welfare programme
- Basic Sanitation and Water supply
Eight Five Year Plan (1992-1997):
- Employment Generation
- Population Control, Literacy and Health Education
- Provision of safe water & adequate food
Ninth Five Year Plan (1997-2002):
- Develop disease, surveillance and response mechanism
- Non communicable disease control programme
- Management system for emergencies, like- disaster and accidents
- Screening for common nutritional deficiencies
- Reduction in population growth
- Implementation of RCH(Reproductive and Child Health) & MCH(Maternal and Child Health) Programmes center
Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-2007):
- Reduction of poverty ratio( At least 5% of poverty has to be reduced before 2007 and at least 15% of poverty has to be reduced before 2012)
- All children should complete 5 Year of schooling by the year of 2007
- Reduction of population growth
- Increasing literacy rate
- Reduction infant mortality rate (IMP)
- Reduction of maternal mortality rate (MMR)
- All villages have safe drinking water
Eleven Five Year Plan (2007-2012):
- Creation of about 5 lakh additional employment opportunities
- Power generation capacities by 505 MW in the state sector.
- Electrify all habitations
- Connect all left over habitation with more than 500 inhabitants by road
- Provide basic amenities, connectivity of power, water supply, Primary Health Education to all the villagers
- Maximize Employment Generation
Twelfth Five Year Plan (2012-2017):
- Better performance in agriculture
- Faster creations of jobs in manufacturing
- Wider industrial growth
- The creation of appropriate infrastructural facilities to enhance agricultural & and manufacturer growth
- Stronger efforts at Health Education & Skill Development
- Special Challenges focused on vulnerable groups and backward sections
With the Planning Commission dissolved, no more formal plans are made for the economy, but Five-Year Defence Plans continue to be made. However, there is no Thirteenth Five-Year Plan.
A good and sweet note that help me to make a note on community.