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GNM Previous Year Question Paper of Medical Surgical Nursing 2 Short Question and Answer for GNM 2nd Year

Medical Surgical Nursing 2 Previous Year Short Question with Answer

Medical Surgical Nursing 2

Fill in the blanks:

1. Inflammation of the skin is termed as __________

➡ Dermatitis

2. Cancer that arises from glandular tissue is termed as __________

➡ Adenomas

3. AIDS is a ___________viral disease. 

➡ Retro viral 

4. ___________is the cause of amoebic dysentery. 

➡ Entamoeba histolytica 

5. Benign tumor of blood vessels is called____________.

➡ Hemangioma

6. Diminished amount of urine output is termed as_______ .

➡ Oliguria

7. Drug of choice in enteric fever is __________ .

➡ Chloramphenicol

8.  is an inflammation of breast________. 

➡ Mastitis

9. Typhoid fever is cause by_________ organism.

➡ Salmonella Typhi

10. Inability to control emptying the bladder is ___________ .

➡ Urinary incontinence

11. collection of serous fluid in the tinica vaginalis is called as __________.

➡ Hydrocele

12. Inflammation of the prostate gland is said as _________ .

➡ Prostatitis

 13. Diphtheria is cause by________ .

➡ Corynebacterium diphtheria

14. Cancer of the bone is known as_____________.

➡  Osteosarcoma

15. Inflammation of the testis is known as _________________.

➡ Orchitis 

16. BCG vaccine is administered to prevent ________.

➡ Tuberculosis

17. ________ is associated with cancer of oral cavity.

➡ Chewing tobacco

18. Urethral strictures is the common problem after ________. 


19. __________ is the surgical removal of tissue.

➡ Debridement

20. _________ is the causative viral agent of herpes chicken pox.

➡ Varicella zoster


Read More: Medical Surgical Nursing 1 Previous Year Short Question with Answer


21. ____________ is the damage to tissue and blood vessels as a result of prolonged exposure to cold.


 22. __________ means bleeding from nose.

➡ Epistaxis

23. Deflected nasal septum leads to __________.

➡ Difficulty in Breathing

24. ___________ Maneuver is used for removed of foreign body blocking the upper airway.

➡ Heimitch

25. Pressure on the median nerve at the wrist is turned as


➡ Corpal tunnel syndrome

 26. Hardening and thickening of the arteries is known


➡ Arteriosclerosis 

 27. Inflammation of the gum is called as______.

➡ Gingivitis

28. A bleeding disorder in which the females are the causes and the males are the Suffers__________. 

➡ Hemophilia

29. Fracture of the radius above the wrist is also called


➡ Collie’s fracture 

30. Which is the condition caused by the abnormal growth of the spongy bone across the margin of the oval window and the foot plate of stapes _______________.

➡ Otosclerosis

 31.  ____________is loss of bone mass that occurs and predisposing the individual prove to feature. 

➡ Osteoporosis

32.  _________is a condition in which there is pain over the lateral epicondyle of the humor. 

➡ Supracondylar fracture

33. __________ is the inflammation of the cochlea.

➡ Chochlean menieres

34. _________ is the inflammation of Haarl mucosa.

➡ Rhinitis

35. _________means nearsighted.

➡ Myopia

36. Acute peritonsillar absess is known as complication of________.

➡ Acute pharyngitis tonsillitis 

 37. Fracture of the distal end of the radius is _______.

➡ Collies fracture 

38. Inflammation of the pericardium is_________.

➡ Pericarditis

39. _________is the corrective surgery of deviated nasal septum

➡ Rhinoplasty

40.  _________is the excision of posterior arch of vertebr

➡ Laminectomy


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41. Hypertension is often called as _____________ .

➡ Silent killer

42. Excessive production of tears is known as __________.

➡ Epiphoto

43. Inflammation and Ulceration of the cornea is called_____________. 

➡ Keratitis

44. Folic acid deficiency also causes_____________.

➡ Anemia

45. Rinne’s test is done to assess_______________ .

➡ Hearing

46. The type of deafness caused by cerumen impaction is called____________ .

➡ Conduction hearing loss

47. A peritonsillar abscess is also called as__________.

➡ Quinsy

48 Surgical removal of Breast is called__________ .

➡ Mastectomy

49. Cholera is caused by_________ .

➡ Vibrio cholera

50. Cancer of the bone is known as___________ .

➡ Osteosarcoma

51. Surgical removal of the kidney is termed as __________ .

➡ Nephrectomy

52. Inflammation of urinary bladder is called as____________ .

➡ Cystitis

53. Diphtheria is caused by__________.  

➡ Corynebacterium diphtheriae

54. Inflammation of middle ear is called as___________ .

➡ Otitis media

55. Chewing_____________is associated with cancer of the oral cavity.

➡ Tobacco

56. Dapsone is the drug of choice for__________ .

➡ Dermatitis

57. Twisting of the spermatic cord is called____________ .

➡ Testicular torsion

58. In hypospadias the urethral opening is an____________.

➡ Ventral aspect of the penis

59. Normal serum calcium level is ______________.

➡ 8.9 to 10 mg/dl

60. Instrument used to check reflex is_____________ .

➡ Reflex hammer

61. Spinal anesthesia is a type of___________ .

➡ Regional

62. Antibody mediated immunity is also called as____________.

➡ Humoral immunity


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