Cervical Cancer
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⚠️Risk Factors:
Some common risk factors of the cancer of cervix are described bellow:
⇢Chewing Tobacco – Chewing tobacco is a very bad habit that is not only a worst causes for Cervical Cancer but also for any other disease.
⇢Drinking Alcohol – Drinking alcohol is a risk factor for cancer.
⇢Multiple Sex Partner – Multiple sex partner and unprodected sex can causes Cervical Cancer.
⇢Family History – A past family history with Cervical cancer is a risk factor.
⇢Use sudden medication – Some type of medication and their side effects can leads to Cervical cancer.
⇢Nutritional deficiencies – Person with some nutritional deficiency may have the chances of Cervical cancer.
🤧Sign and Symptoms/ Clinical Manifestation:
Some common signs and symptoms that a woman may face during cervical cancer are:
- Unusual vaginal bleeding
- Painful sex
- Unpleasant vaginal smell
- Bleeding after menopause
- Irregular menstrual
- Leg pain
- Back pain
- Pelvic pain
- Weight loss
- Fatigue
- Painful Urination
- Blood in urine
- Urinary Incontinence(UI)
Cancer of cervix or Cervical cancer stages are following:
▲Stage 0/Stage I: You have a single tumor in your Cervix.
▲Stage II: You have 2 or 3 tumors and it will be bigger in size than the first stage. The tumor may have spread to your blood vessels.
▲Stage III: In this stage, The tumor may have spread to your lymph nodes, large blood vessels or another organ.
▲Stage IV/Last Stage: In the last stage the cancer will spread to other organs in your body, such as your lungs or bones, as well as lymph nodes.
🩺Diagnostic Evaluations:
- History Collection
- Physical Examination
- Liver and Urine Function Test
- Blood Test
- Urine Test
- HPV Test
- Pap smear Test
- Imaging Test
- X-Ray of the pelvis
- Biopsy
⇨ Medical Management:
⇨ Surgical Management:
⇨ Non-invasive Management:
- Get the HPV vaccine ( After 15 and before 45 age).
- Use condoms or other barrier methods when you have sex.
- Limit your sexual partners.
- Stop smoking and using tobacco products.