Breech Presentation: Definition,Type, Etiology and Mechanism for 3rd Year GNM A Complete Note
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Breech Presentation: Definition,Type, Etiology and Mechanism for 3rd Year GNM A Complete Note

Definition of Breech Presentation: Breech presentation is a fetal position during childbirth where the baby’s buttocks, feet, or both are positioned to emerge first, instead of the head. In breech presentation, the lie is longitudinal and the podalic pole presents at the pelvic brim. It is the most common malpresentation. Breech Presentations Types of Breech…

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Fetal Circulation – Definition, Umbilical Cord and Fetal Circulation Flow Chart

 FETAL CIRCULATION (toc) #title=(Table of Content) ➦ Definition: Fetal Circulation or Foetal Circulation refers to the unique circulatory system that allows the exchange of gases and nutrients between the developing fetus and the pregnant mother. Fetal Circulation Diagram ➦ Umbilical Cord:         ● Umbilical Arteries: Return non-oxygenated blood, Biological waste, and CO₂ from fetal…

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What is Uterine Fibroids? – Types, Clinical Features, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Uterine Fibroids (toc) #title=(Table of Content) Definition of Fibroid:  Fibroid tumors are benign tumors arising in the myometrium which can protrude into the uterine cavity, bulge through the outer layer or grow within the myometrium. Growth of Fibroids 1. Fibroids develop due to proliferation of smooth muscle cells. The tumors usually grow very slowly, about…

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Destructive Operations – Craniotomy, Evisceration, Decapitation and Cleidotomy

Destructive Operations (toc) #title=(Table of Content) Definition: The destructive operations are designed to diminish the bulk of the fetus so as to facilitate easy delivery through the birth canal. In modern obstetric practice, virtually there is hardly any place for destructive operations. Neglected obstetrics requiring destructive operations are completely preventable. These procedures are difficult and may…

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General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) 3rd Year Suggestion – 2023

Suggestion for 3rd Year GNM Final Examination – 2023 (toc) #title=(Table of Content) Join Us With Telegram     (getButton) #text=(Telegram) #icon=(link) #color=(#4b7bec) Join Us With Whatsapp     (getButton) #text=(Whatsapp) #icon=(link) #color=(#26de81) Download the best PDF suggestion for GNM (General Nursing and Midwifery) 3rd year examination by Nursing Note with guaranteed common in the final examination. 📌 GNM Course details: Aspect Details…

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GYNAECOLOGICAL INSTRUMENTS Medical Instruments are important for any medical procedure. Medical Instruments list is very important for GNM, B. Sc Nursing or any other Medical Course. Here are some lists of medical instruments name lists. Those medical instruments are also important for obstetrical procedures. Here is the list of gynaecological instruments and their uses. You…

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Placenta – Structure and Function

Placenta (toc) #title=(Table of Content) The placenta is a membranous part of the fetal body attached with the mother’s uterus that provides mainly Oxygen and nutritional supplements. Shape – Discoid Diameter – 15 to 20 cm Thickness – About 3 cm Surface – Maternal and Fetal What is Placenta? Definition: The placenta is a fetomaternal…

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Contracted Pelvis: Definition, Causes, Signs, Diagnosis, Complication and Treatment

CONTRACTED PELVIS What Is Contracted Pelvis? Definition: Anatomical Definition: A contracted pelvis is defined as where essential diameters of one or more planes are shortened by 0.5 cm. Obstetrical Definition: Alteration in size and shape of the pelvis to alter the normal mechanism of labor in an average size baby. Type of Female Pelvis: Gynecoid (50%)…

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Fetal Skull: Sutures of Fetal Skull, Fontanels and Diameter of Fetal Skull

Fetal Skull Introduction: The fetal skull is made of flat bones. Fetal skull is larger than compared to any other part of the fetal body. The fetal skull consists of a vault, face and base. Fetal Skull Areas of Skull:     ❑ Vertex The area midway between the anterior fontanel (bregma), the two parietal bones and…

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Tocolytic Agents : Anti-contraction Medicine

Tocolytic Agents (toc) #title=(Table of Content) ➯Definition of Tocolytic Agents Tocolytic Agents are also called anti-contraction medications or labor suppressants. those agents prevent preterm labor and immature birth by suppressing uterine contractions. ➯Indications of Tocolytic Agents • Generally 24 gestational weeks onward.• Before 37 weeks of gestation.• Spontaneous premature contraction.• No evidence of infection• No life-threatening ➯Contraindications of…