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Cervical Cancer – 2nd Year GNM Medical Surgical Nursing II, Oncology Nursing(Definition,Etiology,Sign & Symptoms,Diagnosis,Treatment & Prevention)

Cervical Cancer (toc) #title=(Table of Content) 🔎Definition:  Cervical cancer is the abnormal cell growth or proliferation cell of any part of the cervix or on the wall of the cervix. 🤔Etiology/Causes: Cancer is an idiopathic disease, it has not any particular or proper causes but most cervical cancer is caused by HPV (Human Papillomavirus) virus….

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GNM Previous Year Question Paper of Medical Surgical Nursing 1 Short Question and Answer for GNM 2nd Year

Medical Surgical Nursing 1 Previous Year Short Question with Answer Fill in the blanks: 1. Normal level of potassium in the blood is _____________ ➡3.6 to 5.2 (mmol/L)2. Presence of protein in the urine is called as ______________ ➡Proteinuria3. Difficulty in swallowing is called as ________________ ➡Dysphagia4. Abnormal accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity…

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Colon Cancer – 2nd Year GNM Medical Surgical Nursing II, Oncology Nursing(Definition,Etiology,Sign & Symptoms,Diagnosis,Treatment & Prevention)

COLON CANCER (toc) #title=(Table of Content) 🔎Definition: Abnormal cell growth or cell division in the colon or rectal area. It is also known as colorectal cancer. 🤔Etiology/Cause: 1. Due to abnormal cell growth at the lining of the colon. 2. Due to infection in the colon.  3. Genetic cause or abnormal mutation in DNA. ⚠️Risk…

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Lung Cancer – 2nd Year GNM Medical Surgical Nursing II, Oncology Nursing(Definition,Etiology,Sign & Symptoms,Diagnosis,Treatment & Prevention)

LUNG CANCER (toc) #title=(Table of Content) 🔎Definition:  An abnormal cell growth that happens in the lung or any part of the lung is known as Lung Cancer. 🤔Etiology/Causes:  The causes of cancer are mostly unknown that is why cancer is called as an idiopathic disease. The most common risk factors of Lung Cancer are described…

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Prostate Cancer- 2nd Year GNM Medical Surgical Nursing II, Oncology Nursing(Definition, Etiology, Sign & Symptoms, Stages, Diagnosis, Management, Complication & Prevention)

Prostate Cancer (toc) #title=(Table of Content) Prostate Cancer 🔎Definition: The prostate is a part of the male reproductive system which is present just below the bladder. Prostate Cancer is an abnormal cell division or cell of the prostate gland. 🤔Etiology/Cause: There are not any particular reasons for any type of cancer. It basically happens due…

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Cancer of Larynx or Laryngeal Cancer – 2nd Year GNM Medical Surgical Nursing II, Oncology Nursing(Definition,Etiology,Sign & Symptoms,Diagnosis,Treatment & Prevention)

CANCER OF LARYNX 🔎Definition: It’s defined as an abnormal or uncontrolled cell growth in any part of the larynx. It is also called Laryngeal Cancer. Cancer of Larynx 🤔Etiology/Causes: There are not any particular reasons for any types of cancer. It basically happens due to the mutation of DNA in our cells. That is why…

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Liver Cancer – 2nd Year GNM Medical Surgical Nursing II, Oncology Nursing(Definition,Etiology,Sign & Symptoms,Diagnosis,Treatment & Prevention)

Liver Cancer 🔎Definition: Liver cancer is also known as hepatic cancer, it is the abnormal cell growth or uncontrolled cell growth in liver or any part of liver. Liver Cancer 🤔Etiology/Cause: There is not any exact cause for any type of cancer that is why cancer is called as an idiopathic disease. There are many…

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GNM Previous Year Question Paper of Medical Surgical Nursing 2 Short Question and Answer for GNM 2nd Year

Medical Surgical Nursing 2 Previous Year Short Question with Answer Fill in the blanks: 1. Inflammation of the skin is termed as __________ ➡ Dermatitis 2. Cancer that arises from glandular tissue is termed as __________ ➡ Adenomas 3. AIDS is a ___________viral disease.  ➡ Retro viral  4. ___________is the cause of amoebic dysentery.  ➡…

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Brain Tumor – 2nd Year GNM Medical Surgical Nursing II, Oncology Nursing(Definition, Types, Etiology, Sign & Symptoms, Diagnosis,Treatment & Complication)

Brain Tumor Brain tumours are a serious health problem. An untreated brain tumor can become brain cancer in further time. A short note about brain tumors is described below. ➩Definition:- A brain tumor is a collection of abnormal cells in the brain. ➩Picture:- Brain Tumor   ➩TYPE:- Acoustic Neuroma: A non-cancerous tumor on the main…

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Cancer of Esophagus – 2nd Year GNM Medical Surgical Nursing II, Oncology Nursing(Definition,Etiology,Sign & Symptoms,Diagnosis,Treatment & Prevention)

Cancer of Esophagus ➦ Definition:- It is an abnormal growth of squamous cell present in the lining of the esophagus. Cancer of Esophagus ➦ Risk Factors:- Gender (male) Race (African American) Age (greater risk in fifth decade of life) Geographic locale (much higher incidence in China and northern Iran) Chronic esophageal irritation Use of alcohol…