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Cervical Cancer – 2nd Year GNM Medical Surgical Nursing II, Oncology Nursing(Definition,Etiology,Sign & Symptoms,Diagnosis,Treatment & Prevention)

Cervical Cancer (toc) #title=(Table of Content) 🔎Definition:  Cervical cancer is the abnormal cell growth or proliferation cell of any part of the cervix or on the wall of the cervix. 🤔Etiology/Causes: Cancer is an idiopathic disease, it has not any particular or proper causes but most cervical cancer is caused by HPV (Human Papillomavirus) virus….

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Colon Cancer – 2nd Year GNM Medical Surgical Nursing II, Oncology Nursing(Definition,Etiology,Sign & Symptoms,Diagnosis,Treatment & Prevention)

COLON CANCER (toc) #title=(Table of Content) 🔎Definition: Abnormal cell growth or cell division in the colon or rectal area. It is also known as colorectal cancer. 🤔Etiology/Cause: 1. Due to abnormal cell growth at the lining of the colon. 2. Due to infection in the colon.  3. Genetic cause or abnormal mutation in DNA. ⚠️Risk…

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Lung Cancer – 2nd Year GNM Medical Surgical Nursing II, Oncology Nursing(Definition,Etiology,Sign & Symptoms,Diagnosis,Treatment & Prevention)

LUNG CANCER (toc) #title=(Table of Content) 🔎Definition:  An abnormal cell growth that happens in the lung or any part of the lung is known as Lung Cancer. 🤔Etiology/Causes:  The causes of cancer are mostly unknown that is why cancer is called as an idiopathic disease. The most common risk factors of Lung Cancer are described…

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Prostate Cancer- 2nd Year GNM Medical Surgical Nursing II, Oncology Nursing(Definition, Etiology, Sign & Symptoms, Stages, Diagnosis, Management, Complication & Prevention)

Prostate Cancer (toc) #title=(Table of Content) Prostate Cancer 🔎Definition: The prostate is a part of the male reproductive system which is present just below the bladder. Prostate Cancer is an abnormal cell division or cell of the prostate gland. 🤔Etiology/Cause: There are not any particular reasons for any type of cancer. It basically happens due…

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Cancer of Larynx or Laryngeal Cancer – 2nd Year GNM Medical Surgical Nursing II, Oncology Nursing(Definition,Etiology,Sign & Symptoms,Diagnosis,Treatment & Prevention)

CANCER OF LARYNX 🔎Definition: It’s defined as an abnormal or uncontrolled cell growth in any part of the larynx. It is also called Laryngeal Cancer. Cancer of Larynx 🤔Etiology/Causes: There are not any particular reasons for any types of cancer. It basically happens due to the mutation of DNA in our cells. That is why…

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Liver Cancer – 2nd Year GNM Medical Surgical Nursing II, Oncology Nursing(Definition,Etiology,Sign & Symptoms,Diagnosis,Treatment & Prevention)

Liver Cancer 🔎Definition: Liver cancer is also known as hepatic cancer, it is the abnormal cell growth or uncontrolled cell growth in liver or any part of liver. Liver Cancer 🤔Etiology/Cause: There is not any exact cause for any type of cancer that is why cancer is called as an idiopathic disease. There are many…

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Brain Tumor – 2nd Year GNM Medical Surgical Nursing II, Oncology Nursing(Definition, Types, Etiology, Sign & Symptoms, Diagnosis,Treatment & Complication)

Brain Tumor Brain tumours are a serious health problem. An untreated brain tumor can become brain cancer in further time. A short note about brain tumors is described below. âž©Definition:- A brain tumor is a collection of abnormal cells in the brain. âž©Picture:- Brain Tumor   âž©TYPE:- Acoustic Neuroma: A non-cancerous tumor on the main…

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Cancer of Esophagus – 2nd Year GNM Medical Surgical Nursing II, Oncology Nursing(Definition,Etiology,Sign & Symptoms,Diagnosis,Treatment & Prevention)

Cancer of Esophagus ➦ Definition:- It is an abnormal growth of squamous cell present in the lining of the esophagus. Cancer of Esophagus ➦ Risk Factors:- Gender (male) Race (African American) Age (greater risk in fifth decade of life) Geographic locale (much higher incidence in China and northern Iran) Chronic esophageal irritation Use of alcohol…

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Oral Cancer – 2nd Year GNM Medical Surgical Nursing II, Oncology Nursing(Definition,Etiology,Sign & Symptoms,Diagnosis,Treatment & Prevention)

Oral Cancer ➦ Definition:- It is the abnormal and uncontrolled cell growth and multiplication of cells in the oral cavity. Oral cancer includes cancer of lips cheek, floor of the mouth, soft palate of the mouth, sinuses and pharynx. Oral Cancer ➦ Causes/Etiology:- 1) Tobacco Smoking 2) Excessive intake of alcohol 3) HPV-Human Papilloma Virus 4)…

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Cancer – 2nd Year GNM Medical Surgical Nursing II, Oncology Nursing(Definition,Types,Diagnosis,Treatment and Prevention)

CANCER ➦ Definition:- Cancer is the abnormal cell growth or uncontrolled cell growth in any part of our body.   Proliferation:- is the main characteristic behind tumors and specially malignant ones. Calls growth continuously without being submitted to the local or general controle of the organisms. ➦ Type of Cancer:- Doctors divide cancer into type based…