Midwifery and Gynaecology Nursing Previous Year Short Question With Answer
♧Fill in the blanks:
1. The bony canal through which the fetus pass through during birth is ________
âž¡ Vaginal canal
2. The graphical record of cervical dilatation against duration of labor is________
âž¡ Partograph
3. The term placenta weighs about_______
âž¡ 600g
4. The name given to the lochia between 1 and 4 days is called________
âž¡ Lochia Rubra
5. The biparietal diameter measures about_________
âž¡ 9.5cm
6. The process of formation of matured ovum in the ovary is___________
âž¡ Oogenesis
7. The anterior fontanelle is otherwise known as________
âž¡ Bregma
8. The endometrium after implantation is known as________
âž¡ Decidua
9. Premature separation of abnormally situated placenta is called_________
âž¡ Abruptio placenta
10. Physiological anemia during pregnancy is the result of__________
âž¡ Decreased erythropoietin after the first trimesters
11. The embryotomy measures which is adopted in hydrocephalus to save the life of the mother is said_____
âž¡ Craniotomy.
12. Prophylactic methergine is administered after the delivery of____________
âž¡ Baby
13. The type of forceps which is applied when the fetal head is at pelvic outlet________
âž¡ Wrigleys
14. Painful menstruation is_________
âž¡ Dysmenorrhea
15. _________is the name given to the endometrium during pregnancy.
âž¡ Gravida
16. First milk secreted from the mother is called_________
âž¡ Colostrum
17. __________is the graphic representation to assess the progress of labor.
âž¡ Partograph
18. A dark line running from symphysis pubis to umbilicus during pregnancy is called________
âž¡ Linea Nigra.
19. Male gonad is__________
âž¡ Testes
20. Weight of a non-pregnant uterus is__________
âž¡ 60g
Read More: Community Health Nursing – II Previous Year Short Question With Answer
21. ___________suture run between the two parietal bones.
âž¡ Sagittal
22. Posterior fontanelle is otherwise known as___________
âž¡ Lambdoid
23. The condition where the presentation of the fetus is constantly changing even beyond 36 weeks is________
âž¡ Unstable lie
24. Inability to conceive the child after regular unprotected intercourse is_________
âž¡ Infertility
25. Impaired involution of the uterus is called as___________
âž¡ Subinvolution
26. During abdominal palpation midwife can suspect polyhydramnios by feeling__________
âž¡ Fluid thrill
27. Brandt Andrews manoveure means___________
âž¡ Delivering the placenta by cord traction
28. Tenderness of calf muscle on deep pressure in deep vein thrombosis is__________
âž¡ Homans sign
29. Inflammation of the breast is called__________
âž¡ Mastitis
30. Absence of menstruation is called___________
âž¡ Amenorrhea.
31. Inflammation of fallopian tube is called_________
âž¡ Salpingitis
32. Intermittent painless uterine contractions are called_________
âž¡ False labor
33. The process by which the reproductive organ return to the pregravid state is called_________
âž¡ Involusion of uterus.
34. ____________sign is made out by feeling increased pulsation in lateral vaginal
âž¡ Osiander’s
35. __________is the first stool of the baby.
âž¡ Meconium
36. _________denotes the perception of active fetal movements by pregnant women.
âž¡ Quickening
37. __________is the cessation of breathing for more than 20 seconds.
âž¡ Apnea
38. Women having their first pregnancy at or above the age of 30 years are called_______
âž¡ Elderly primigravida
39. _________Suture lies between the two parietal bones.
âž¡ Sagittal
40. The normal weight of the placenta is_________
âž¡ 600 grams
41. __________is the dark line running from symphysis pubis to umbilicus during pregnancy.
âž¡ Linea Nigra
42. __________is the discharge from the uterus following childbirth.
âž¡ Lochia
43. Implantation occurs at a site other than the utrine cavity is known as____________.
âž¡ Ectopic pregancy
44. Brownish vaginal discharge is present during pregnancy in case of____________.
âž¡ Missed abortion
45. The denominator in breech presentation is__________
âž¡ Mentum
46. Neuromuscular harmony between the upper and lower uterine segment is called___________.
âž¡ Polarity
47. A women who has never given birth to a viable child is known as_________.
âž¡ Nullipara
48. Anterior fontanelle closes by_________.
âž¡ 12 Months.
49. The term used for abnormal labor________
âž¡Â Dystocia
50. Anterior fontanel is otherwise known as___________.
51. Craving for non-nutritional substance is known as___________.
âž¡ Pica.
52. The denominator in face presentation is__________.
âž¡ Cephalic.
53. Bimanual compression is used in_________
âž¡ Postpartum hemorrhage
54. Fetal macrosomia is when birth weight exceeds________
âž¡ 4 kg.
55. Downy hair in the neonates is named as__________.
âž¡ Lanugo.
56. Weight of a non-pregnant uterus_________.
âž¡ 50-60 g
57. Planned surgical incision made on posterior wall of perineum____________.
âž¡ Episiotomy
58. Women in labor is called__________.
âž¡ Parturient
59. Fetal period begins from___________.
âž¡ 8th Week.
60. Inability of the new-born to initiate the breach is ______________
âž¡ Dystocia
61. Excessive vomiting in early pregnancy is known as ______________
âž¡ Hyperemesis gravidarum
62. The normal length of umbilical cord is _______________
âž¡ 50 CM
63. The average duration of third stage of labour in primigravida mother is _________________
âž¡ 10 – 15 minutes