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    GNM Previous Year Question Paper of Behavioral Sciences (Psychology & Sociology) Short Question and Answer for GNM 1st Year

    Behavioral Sciences (Psychology & Sociology) Previous Year Short Question with Answer

    GNM Previous Year Question Paper of Psychology and Sociology

    Fill in the blanks:

    1. ‘Psyche’ means __________ and ‘logos’ means
    ➡ Soul or mind
    2. Habits are the form of ________ behavior
    ➡ Learned
    3. Father of psychology is _________
    ➡ Wilhelm Wundt
    4. False perception with external stimuli is _______
    ➡ Illusion
    5. In patriarchal family _________ is the head of the family.
    ➡ Father
    6. Scientific study of human population is_________
    ➡ Demography
    7. Gathering of unorganized people is called as__________
    ➡ Crowd
    8. The Father of Psychology is _________
    ➡ Wilhelm Wundt
    9. __________ is a sensory experience in the absence of stimulus leading to false
    ➡ Hallucination
    10. ____________ is the loss memory.
    ➡ Amnesia
    11. Mental age indicates the level of _________
    ➡ Intellectual development
    12. A type of marriage outside the groups is called ___________
    ➡ Exogamy
    13. Embryonic period means __________
    ➡ From fertilization to the end of the 8th week of pregnancy
    14. In __________ system the membership is determined by birth
    ➡ Caste
    15. The Formula for calculating Intelligent Quotient (IQ) is ___________
    ➡ (Mental Age ÷ Chronological Age) × 100
    16. Blaming others for their own mistake or failure is called __________
    ➡ Projection
    17. Unattainable goals are important sources of __________
    ➡ Frustration
    18. ____________ is the Institution which admits the man and woman to family life
    ➡ Marriage
    19. The group of people living in a common area with common cultural patterns
    is termed as _________
    ➡ Community
    20. In __________ system the membership is determined by birth
    ➡ Caste

    21. The following is an example for Motor activity
    ➡ Swimming
    22. Trial and Error Theory of learning was proposed by
    ➡ Edward Lee Thorndike
    23. The First stage of memory is
    ➡ Encoding
    24. Fight or Flight theory was developed by
    ➡ Walter Bradford Cannon
    25. The term Sociology is derived from Latin word ________ and Greek word ________
    ➡ Socius(Companion), Logos(Study)
    26. Man is a __________ Animal
    ➡ Social
    27. Face to face relation will be seen in __________
    ➡ Primary Group
    28. The country which has highest population is _________
    ➡ China
    29. Psychology is the study of ________
    ➡ Mind and behavior
    30. Wrong perception in presence of external stimuli is called as____________
    ➡ Illusion
    31. IQ of mild mental retarded person is ___________
    ➡ 50-70
    32. _______is the loss of memory
    ➡ Amnesia
    33.Sociology is the study of____________
    ➡ Society and social behavior
    34. Dowry Prohibition act was passed by central Government in the year_________
    ➡ 1961
    35. large number of people gathered in one place is called________
    ➡ Crowd
    36. Father of sociology is ________
    ➡ Auguste Comte
    37. ___________ is refereed as father of psychology
    ➡ Wilhelm Wundt
    38. ___________ is also known as day dreaming
    ➡ Fantasy
    39. ___________ attention does not require any conscious effort to attend to an object
    ➡ Involuntary
    40. Formula for IQ___________
    ➡ (Mental Age ÷ Chronological Age) × 100
    41. Society is formed by__________
    ➡ Social relationships and interactions among people
    42. Difference on social phenomenon over a period is termed as __________
    ➡ Social change
    43. Equal share to __________ on father’s property.
    ➡ Daughters
    44. ___________is the unshakable false belief
    ➡ Delusion
    45. False perception with presence of object is called___________
    ➡ Illusion
    46. Classical conditioning theory of learning was proposed by _______________
    ➡ Ivan Pavlov
    47. IQ of a moron is____________
    ➡ 51-70
    48. The exploitation and maltreatment of children is called ___________
    ➡ Child abuse
    49. An individual who becomes acculturated to the society is ___________
    ➡ Socialized
    50. ____________ is referred as father of Sociology
    ➡ Auguste Comte

    51. ____________is loss of memory
    ➡ Amnesia
    52. Illusion is_________ perception in the presence of external stimuli
    ➡ False
    53. Hunger motivates the person to seek__________
    ➡ Food
    54. Mental age refers to _________ maturity of a person
    ➡ Intellectual
    55. In __________group there is a face to face and intimate relationship exist among the members
    ➡ Primary
    56. Immoral Traffic Act is to prevent__________
    ➡ Human trafficking and prostitution
    57. _________is the Chief vehicle of culture transmission
    ➡ Language
    58. Psychology is the study of ___________
    ➡ Mind and behavior
    59. Thinking is a ____________ activity
    ➡ Cognitive
    60. Defense mechanisms are also known as ________
    ➡ Adjustment mechanisms
    61.The permanent or temporary loss of ability to recognize is called__________
    ➡ Agnosia
    62. Study of population is called _________
    ➡ Demography
    63. A man marries only one woman is called ___________
    ➡ Monogamy
    64. ___________ is a major problem of marriage in India
    ➡ Dowry
    65. The term psychology is derive from two Greek word ___________
    ➡ “psyche” (soul) and “logos” (study)
    66. An essential factor in most frustrating situation are____________
    ➡ Obstacles to goals
    67. A form of our learnt behaviour is called as ____________
    ➡ Habit
    68. Sociology is the science of ________
    ➡ Society
    69. Training the child in the culture of the group is known as _______
    ➡ Socialization
    70. _______ is a temporary collection of people reacting together to stimuli
    ➡ Crowd
    71. ___________ is also known as day dreaming
    ➡ Fantasy
    72. ___________ is a mistaken perception that does of agree with the fact
    ➡ Illusion
    73. ___________ means soul and mind
    ➡ Psyche
    74. At attitude of respect towards the elders is _________
    ➡ Reverence
    75. The great philosopher remarked that man is a social animal
    ➡ Aristotle
    76. Large number of people gathered in one place is called
    ➡ Crowd
    77. The special marriage act was passed by the Govt. of India in the year
    ➡ 1954
    78. Initially psychology was considered as science of
    ➡ Soul
    79. Emotion word was derived from
    ➡ Latin
    80. Learning is growth through
    ➡ Experience
    81. Formula for IQ
    ➡ MA/CA × 100
    82. Genetic psychology also called as ________
    ➡ Developmental psychology
    83. Excessive response to stimuli is known as ________
    ➡ Hyperactivity
    84. In unconscious mind the conflicts are ________
    ➡ Repressed
    85. Thinking is an __________ mental activity
    ➡ Internal
    86. I.Q of an imbecile is ________ average
    ➡ 26-50
    87. Habits are a form of our __________
    ➡ Learned behavior
    88. Illusions are _________
    ➡ Misinterpretations of real external stimuli
    89. The word Loci means method of _________
    ➡ Memory
    90. Dowry prohibition act is passed on __________
    ➡ May 1, 1961
    91. A man who marries two women is called ________
    ➡ Polygamy
    92. Scientific study of human population is called_______
    ➡ Demography
    93. _________ is due to lack of recalling something we learnt early
    ➡ Forgetting
    94. Unattainable goals can be important sources of ___________
    ➡ Frustration
    95. __________ are mistaken perceptions
    ➡ Illusions
    96. __________ is a loss memory
    ➡ Amnesia
    97. Is widely spread in tribal Society
    ➡ Illiteracy
    98. Prostitution is a social problem and it due to
    ➡ Poverty
    99. Urban Community means an area with
    ➡ High population density
    100. Emotions are classified in to ________ and _________
    ➡ Positive and negative
    101. Attitudes accompanied by strong feeling are called _________
    ➡ Emotions
    102. Three types of habits are motar and bodly ________
    ➡ Mental
    103. The term Embryo means
    ➡ Conception to 12 weeks of intra uterine life
    104. The word family has been taken from
    ➡ Latin
    105. One woman marries many men and lives with them as their wife
    ➡ Polyandry
    106. One who shows deviation from normal behaviour is called _______
    ➡ Abnormal
    107. Demography is the scientific study of _______
    ➡ Population
    108. Prostitution is considered as one of the ________
    ➡ Social problems
    109. Two types of economic aspects of individuals are _______ and ________
    ➡ Income and expenditure

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