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    GNM Previous Year Question Paper of Bio Science (Anatomy, Physiology and Microbiology) Short Question and Answer for GNM 1st Year

    Bio Science (Anatomy, Physiology and Microbiology) Previous Year Short Question with Answer

    GNM Previous Year Question Paper of Bio Science (Anatomy, Physiology and Microbiology) Short Question and Answer for GNM 1st Year

    Fill in the blanks:

    1. Life span of RBC is ____________days.
    ➥ 120 Days
    2. Suprarenal gland is otherwise known as________ .
    ➥ Adrenal Gland
    3. The bones are connected to bones by_________ .
    ➥ Legaments
    4. The heart is situated in the________ cavity.
    ➥ Thoracic Cavity
    5. Which of the following is not an enzyme. ( i) Amylase ii) Pepsin iii) Stomatotropin iv) Trypsin )
    ➥ Stomatotropin

    6. Which one of the following is not a part of small intestine. i) Caeccum ii) Duodenum iii) Jejunum iv) Ileum
    ➥ Caeccum
    7. In which part of the human body find the islet of Langerhans.
    ➥ Pancreas
    8. Adult human body consists of _______ number of bones.
    ➥ 206
    9. ______ is the structure unit of Kidney.
    ➥ Nephron
    10. ______ is the pacemaker of the heart.
    ➥Sinoatrial (SA) node
    11. Enlargement of spleen is called as _______
    12. Largest gland in our body is
    ➥ Liver
    13. Power house of the cell is
    ➥ Mitochondria
    14. In which part of the human body find the islet of Langerhans
    ➥ Pancreas
    15. The blood is a _________ tissue.
    ➥ Connected
    16. The retina is a _________layer of eye.
    ➥  Innermost
    17. The space between lungs is called ________.
    ➥ Plural Space
    18. Taste buds contain ________ receptors
    ➥ Gustatory cells
    19. Rickets is caused by deficiency of
    ➥ Vitamin D
    20. The longest bone in human body is
     ➥ Femur
    21. Act of swallowing is called
    ➥ Deglutition
    22. Suprarenal gland is also called as_________
    ➥ Adrenal gland
    23. The organ of locomotion of bacteria is __________
    ➥ Flagellum
    24. Tuberculosis is caused by _________  
    ➥ Mycobacterium tuberculosis
    25. The end part of small intestine is ________
    ➥ ileum
    26. The end products of carbohydrate metabolism are
    ➥ Monosaccharides 
    27. The hormone which is secreted by thymus gland is
    ➥ Thymosin 
    28. Penicillin was discovered by
    ➥Alexander Fleming
    29. Left atrio-ventricular valve in the heart is also known as _______ valve
    ➥ mitral valve
    30. The largest part of the brain is ______
    ➥ cerebrum
    31. Leprosy is caused by ________
    ➥ Mycobacterium leprae
    32. Best method of sterilization is ________
    ➥ Autoclaving
    33. Inner most layer of the blood vessel is  
    ➥ Tunica intima
    34. The Crania nerve responsible for Sense of smell is
    35. Bone forming cell are called as
    36. The main artery supplying to the brain is
    ➥ Circulus arteriosus
    37. Middle layer of heart is called as _________
    ➥ Myocardium
    38. Cholera is caused by __________  

    ➥ Vibrio cholerae

    39. The smallest bone in human body is __________

    ➥ Stapes

    40. __________ is largest lymphatic organ
    ➥ Spleen
    41. Normal duration of cardiac cycle is  
    ➥ 0.8 seconds
    42. The acid-fast bacteria is
    ➥ Mycobacterium tuberculosis
    43. The first part of large intestine is
    ➥ Caecum 
    44. Space between the two lungs in the thoracic cavity is known as ___________
    ➥ Mediastinum
    45. Supra renal gland is also called as _________  
    ➥ Adrenal gland
    46. Insulin is secreted by ___________ cell of the pancreas
    ➥ beta
    47. __________ is the covering membrane the bone
    ➥ Periosteum
    48. The movable bone in the skull is _________
    ➥ Mandible
    49. Temporary teeth begin to erupt at the age of ________
    ➥ 6 year
    50. The largest part of the brain is _______
    ➥ Cerebrum 
    51. The first phase of cell division is _______
    ➥ prophase
    52. ___________ is the hormone secreted by Thymus gland
    ➥ Thymosin
    53. The life span of RBC is _____________ days.
    ➥ 120 days
    54. ___________ is called as the power the house of the cell
    ➥ Mitochondria
    55. Typhoid is caused by____________
    ➥ Salmonella Typhi
    56. Tear producing gland are
    ➥ Lacrimal
    57. The fertilization takes place in the
    ➥ Fallopian tube
    58. The pace maker of the heart is
    ➥S A Node
    59. The organ of taste is
    ➥ Tongue
    60. Blood vessel which carry blood away from the heart to different parts of The body are called_________
    ➥ Veins
    61. __________nerve is the first cranial nerve of our body
    ➥ Olfactory
    62. ___________is called as the voice box of human body
    ➥ Larynx
    63. The main artery in the human body is_______
    ➥ aorta
    64. The body power to resist infection is called  
    ➥ Immunity
    65. Axon is covered by a membrane called
    ➥ Axolemma 
    66. The thoracic cage consists of
    ➥ 12 pairs of ribs
    67. Endocrine glands secrete
    ➥ Hormones
    68. ___________is the largest gland in Human body.
    ➥ Liver
    69. ___________is the membrane covering brain and spinal cord.  
    ➥ Meninges
     c) The bone of the lower law is called_________  

    ➥ Mandible

    70. Leprosy is caused by___________
    ➥ Mycobacterium leprae
    71. The power house of the cell is_________
    ➥ Mitochondria
     72. Blood vessels which carry blood towards heart are called________  
    ➥ Veins
    73. Tuberculosis is caused by___________
    ➥ Mycobacterium tuberculosis
    74. ________ is second cervical vertebra
    ➥ Axis
    75. ________ is the covering membrane of the nerve  

    ➥ Myelin sheath

    76. ________ is the inner most layer of the uterus
    ➥ Endometrium
    78. Buccinator is ________ in cheek
    ➥ muscle
    79. Eyelids protect eye from __________
    ➥ Foreign body
    80. Muscle cells are specialized from _________
    ➥ myoblasts
    81. __________is the functional unit of the kidney
    ➥ nephron
    82. _________is the respiratory organ
    ➥ Lungs
    83. Exocrine gland secret __________
    ➥ Enzymes
    84. Space between two lungs is called as ___________
    ➥ Mediastinum
    85. Receptors for bright light and colour vision is __________
    ➥ Cone cells
    86. Tall of the spinal cord is called as ___________
    ➥ coccyx
    87. The innermost layer of Brain is.
    88. The fertilized Ovum is called as
    89. Brain and Spinal cord are the parts of
    ➥Central Nervous system
    90. The __________ is the largest bone of the foot
    ➥ calcaneus
    91. The Bat shaped bone is ________ bone
    ➥ sphenoid
    92. Thread like structures arising from cytoplasm and
     extending out through cell wall is called __________
    ➥ GolgyBodies
    93. The middle layer of heart is ________
    ➥ myocardium
    94. Growth of microorganisms in the presence of oxygen.
    95. The inner most layer of the Uterus is
    96. Electron Microscope is discovered by
    97. Blood is a ___________ tissue.
    ➥ Connective
    98. Smallest bone in human body is ___________
    ➥ Stapes
    99. Normal clotting time is ______________
    ➥ 11–13.5 seconds
    100. Appendix is a __________organ.
    ➥ Vestigial
    101. Zygomatic bone is known as _________
    ➥ Cheekbone
    102. Bicuspid valve is also known as ________
    ➥ Mitral valve
    103. Capacity of urinary bladder is ________
    ➥ 400–700 milliliters
    104. The presence of viruses in the blood is called _________
    ➥ Viremia
    105. Daily secretion of saliva is __________
    ➥ between 0.5 and 1.5 liters.
    106. Myopia is caused by _________
    ➥ abnormal shape of cornea
    107. Malaria is caused by ________
    ➥ Plasmodium vivax
    108. The mode of transmission of viral hepatitis A is _____________
    ➥ fecal-oral route,
    109. Hyperthyroidism with toxic effects is called ___________
    ➥ thyrotoxicosis
    110. The smallest functional unit of the body is _________
    ➥ Cell
    111. Diehl Nielsen staining is used for ___________
    ➥ identify acid-fast bacteria
    112. Respiratory centre is situated in the _________
    ➥ brainstem
    113. Weight of kidney is ________
    ➥ 120 and 150 grams
    114. Specific gravity of C.S.F. is ______
    ➥ between 1.004 and 1.003
    115. Carpal or wrist bones consists of
    ➥ Eight Bones
    1. Scaphoid (boat-shaped)
    2. Lunate (crescent moon-shaped)
    3. Triquetrum (pyramidal)
    4. Pisiform (pea-shaped)
    5. Trapezium (irregular trapezium-shaped)
    6. Trapezoid (wedge-shaped)
    7. Capitate (head-shaped)
    8. Hamate (wedge-shaped with a bony extension or ‘hook’)
    116. The name of 10th cranial neve is
    117. The second cervical vertebrae are
    118. Cell was discovered by ________
    ➥ Robert Hooke
    119. Laryngeal prominence is called ________
    ➥ Adam’s apple
    120. Smallest bone in human body is ________
    ➥ stapes
    121. The presence of virus in blood is called _________
    ➥ viremia
    122. The blood group that is universal recipient is _________
    ➥ AB positive (AB+)
    123. The hardest substance in the body is
    124. One of the muscles of mastication is
    ➥ Pterygoideus lateralis
    125. Body temperature is regulated by

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