Cervical Cancer – 2nd Year GNM Medical Surgical Nursing II, Oncology Nursing(Definition,Etiology,Sign & Symptoms,Diagnosis,Treatment & Prevention)

Cervical Cancer

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Cervical cancer is the abnormal cell growth or proliferation cell of any part of the cervix or on the wall of the cervix.


Cancer is an idiopathic disease, it has not any particular or proper causes but most cervical cancer is caused by HPV (Human Papillomavirus) virus. HPV spread through sectual contact, multiple sex partner & unprotedcted sex.

⚠️Risk Factors:

Some common risk factors of the cancer of cervix are described bellow:

⇢Age – Old age person above 60 to 70 years are more prone to Cervical Cancer.

⇢Chewing Tobacco – Chewing tobacco is a very bad habit that is not only a worst causes for Cervical Cancer but also for any other disease.

⇢Drinking Alcohol – Drinking alcohol is a risk factor for cancer.

⇢Multiple Sex Partner – Multiple sex partner and unprodected sex can causes Cervical Cancer.

⇢Family History – A past family history with Cervical cancer is a risk factor.

⇢Use sudden medication – Some type of medication and their side effects can leads to Cervical cancer.

⇢Nutritional deficiencies – Person with some nutritional deficiency may have the chances of Cervical cancer.

🤧Sign and Symptoms/ Clinical Manifestation:

Some common signs and symptoms that a woman may face during cervical cancer are:

  1. Unusual vaginal bleeding
  2. Painful sex
  3. Unpleasant vaginal smell
  4. Bleeding after menopause
  5. Irregular menstrual
  6. Leg pain
  7. Back pain
  8. Pelvic pain
  9. Weight loss
  10. Fatigue
  11. Painful Urination
  12. Blood in urine
  13. Urinary Incontinence(UI)


Cancer of cervix or Cervical cancer stages are following:

Stage 0/Stage I: You have a single tumor in your Cervix.

Stage II: You have 2 or 3 tumors and it will be bigger in size than the first stage. The tumor may have spread to your blood vessels.

Stage III: In this stage, The tumor may have spread to your lymph nodes, large blood vessels or another organ.

Stage IV/Last Stage: In the last stage the cancer will spread to other organs in your body, such as your lungs or bones, as well as lymph nodes.

🩺Diagnostic Evaluations:

  1. History Collection
  2. Physical Examination
  3. Liver and Urine Function Test
  4. Blood Test
  5. Urine Test
  6. HPV Test
  7. Pap smear Test
  8. Imaging Test
    1. X-Ray of the pelvis
    2. CT KUB
    3. MRI
  9. Biopsy


        ⇨ Medical Management:

Targeted Therapy

        ⇨ Surgical Management:

Laser Surgery
Pelvic Exenteration

        ⇨ Non-invasive Management:

Radiation Therapy


  • Get the HPV vaccine ( After 15 and before 45 age).
  • Use condoms or other barrier methods when you have sex.
  • Limit your sexual partners.
  • Stop smoking and using tobacco products.

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