What is Uterine Fibroids? – Types, Clinical Features, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Uterine Fibroids (toc) #title=(Table of Content) Definition of Fibroid:  Fibroid tumors are benign tumors arising in the myometrium which can protrude into the uterine cavity, bulge through the outer layer or grow within the myometrium. Growth of Fibroids 1. Fibroids develop due to proliferation of smooth muscle cells. The tumors usually grow very slowly, about … Read more

Destructive Operations – Craniotomy, Evisceration, Decapitation and Cleidotomy

Destructive Operations (toc) #title=(Table of Content) Definition: The destructive operations are designed to diminish the bulk of the fetus so as to facilitate easy delivery through the birth canal. In modern obstetric practice, virtually there is hardly any place for destructive operations. Neglected obstetrics requiring destructive operations are completely preventable. These procedures are difficult and may … Read more